south gloucestershire local planmost awkward queer eye moments

Climate change is happening now and is the biggest challenge facing our society. Development proposals are required to demonstrate how they will mitigate and adapt to climate change and help deliver radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and generate renewable and/or low carbon energy proportionate to their scale and type. Planning applications and development South Gloucestershire is a fast growing area, we are committed to creating more and better places to live and work. The new Local Plan for Milton Keynes, Plan:MK was adopted by Milton Keynes Council at its meeting on the 20 March 2019, details of which can be found at Council 20 March 2019. Small Businesses Highly entrepreneurial in the year to December 2019, 1,568 new small businesses started up in the district. Equally, many of our priorities and commitments dont stop at our boundaries. 7. This means that where radioactive waste generation cannot be avoided or minimised at source, it will be disposed of in accordance with the relevant national policy and strategies. 32. Flood riskExtensive areas subject to flood risk. We are enhancing our Keep it Local approach and the way we work with communities so you have a greater say in the issues which are important to you and take more responsibility for what goes on in your area. The Local Plan 2020 will shape our district for the next 15 years. South Gloucestershire has long been recognised as a great place to live and work, but with new attractions complementing our rich heritage and beautiful natural environment, growing numbers of people are discovering how great a place it is to visit too. Due to the proposed changes to the planning system set out in the Governments Planning White Paper, some of the policies we have listed (including our draft policies) might not be carried forward. Through our Community Engagement Forums and our Local Strategic Partnership, we work closely with the Police to identify the local priorities and actions for maintaining community safety. Analysing the data and liaising with our education providers, we are aware of a cohort of predominantly white children from disadvantaged backgrounds who are behind their peers in their educational attainment. Along with other relevant policies in the plan, this policy will be a material consideration in assessing individual planning and waste applications, notifications and any consultations related to the decommissioning of Oldbury power station. Small modular reactors are understood to occupy approximately 10% of the footprint of a large scale NNB. These should include governance arrangements, plans and mechanisms to cover the full range of impacts, to assess compliance with KPIs, the adequacy of mitigation, compensation or community benefits and to ensure that any necessary adjustments to mitigation can be agreed and made as necessary. Any good-quality existing surface materials, boundary treatments and street furniture have, wherever possible, been retained in situ. Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches. The appropriate level of cycle parking for different types of development is provided in Schedule D. New builds will be expected to meet the standards set out in Schedule D. Conversions will also be expected to meet the standard, unless it can be demonstrated that individual site circumstances/constraints will not allow this. Strategy Where will new development go? This Plan has considered the context of the significant challenges that were evident long before Covid-19; such as the scale of the inequality gap across our communities, the distinct attainment challenge for our children and young people, and the co-ordinated, multi-dimensional approach we need to put into action to deliver on our climate emergency commitments. We need to make sure that any current private and on-street parking provision is designed so that it can relatively easily be repurposed if the need for it diminishes. Further information on the NSIP process, including relevant legislation, guidance advice and roles of the various parties may be found on the Planning Inspectorates website. The Policy seeks to ensure that new development (residential and non-residential) is built to high energy efficiency standards, uses renewable heating and cooling systems, and incorporates renewable energy generation. Therefore, as the Local Plan goes through the preparation process, evidence for costs will be re-assessed, and depending on the evidence and feedback from consultation, the Council will move to implement Option 2. We will recruit and retain people with the right skills and provide the right culture, leadership, and environment for our staff to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Decommissioning of nuclear sites and release from regulation July 2018, Planning Portal definition of Proximity Principle. Given the proximity to the estuary, due consideration must also be given to impacts on designations and protected species, including in relation to the timing of works and any potential for disturbance. Strategic policies are those necessary to address the overarching priorities for the area, including policies that address cross-boundary issues. It sets stringent standards on energy consumption for heating and overall energy demand, and also sets design requirements to control the quality of the internal environment. At this stage the map is high level and a further more detailed map will be required to support the policy as it is refined. It will be important therefore to assess the predicted impacts of the project over time, in order to determine either their acceptability or whether additional control measures and/or mitigation are required. Therefore, specific minimum targets for energy efficiency and on-site measures are set out in Clauses 2 and 3. Electric Vehicle charging in local plan policy. Creating well-designed places requires an understanding of a wide range of principles, across numerous disciplines. To support engagement throughout the planning and implementation stages for a proposed NNB, the Council will: In advance of substantive pre-application engagement with the project promoter, prepare a Pre-Engagement Position Statement setting out the Councils initial views on evidence needed, constraints and opportunities in relation to the proposed development, as well as potential mitigation approaches, legacy opportunities and community benefits. Area Specific: Planning for Yate and Chipping Sodbury, 68. We want all children to be able to access high quality education wherever they live, whatever their economic circumstances and their ethnic origin, so that all have opportunity to achieve their full potential. The climate emergency and inequality gap present themselves in different ways across all the services that we deliver, and the Plan now sets these as the fundamental challenges to be met by all our priorities. Policies Sites and Places policy PSP6 Onsite renewable and low carbon energy. It is also important that the SGC Accessibility Assessment does not overburden developers or officers and so work continues on developing the specific assessment. The emerging policy on radioactive waste is also of particular relevance to the development of a masterplan for decommissioning. Within the zones applications would need to be supported by an SGC Accessibility Assessment. Current Environment Agency (EA) guidance (Decommissioning of nuclear sites and release from regulation July 2018) includes for the potential disposal of some Low or Very Low Level Waste (LLW and VLLW) on site, instead of transporting off site for disposal elsewhere. Unregulated energy includes cooking, appliances and other small power consumption. The Council acknowledges the potential for NNB to deliver low carbon energy and high quality education, training, supply chain and employment opportunities and will work with a project promoter to maximise benefits and legacy for local communities and businesses. As South Gloucestershire is an area with extensive Green Belt, Cotswold National Landscape designation, bustling urban areas and three unique market towns. This might include area-based masterplans, supplementary planning documents, or a further Local Plan policies document- similar to the approach taken with the existing Core Strategy and the PSP. The following list is based on input from consultation, engagement and topic-based assessments of existing knowledge of the site and large scale NNB proposals at other sites. The order of themes, issues constraints and opportunities set out in the table below does not at this stage infer relative priority at this stage In order to ensure the sustainability of development proposals and appropriate impact assessments, themes, issues and schemes should be considered in the round and cumulatively across the different topic areas set out below. Once greater detail is known, for example the number of new homes or jobs we need to plan for, we can begin drafting those new policies. New policies might evolve from existing policies, or cover entirely new issues and topics. The design process should be supported by a range of design tools, including well-considered and informative design and access statements which include context and character appraisals, design review panels, masterplans, and design codes. Policies in our Local Plan are the starting point for making decisions on all planning applications and will be the foundation for guiding development across all of South Gloucestershire. 4) Nature and public spacesBelow ground provision for trees within public realm, such as root protection and growth systems, is often needed to ensure the proper growth and longevity of the tree. We will ensure that children and young people are supported in their early years, We will work to eliminate child poverty across South Gloucestershire, We will support all children and young people to achieve positive mental health and wellbeing, We will provide appropriate support to facilitate choices for children with a learning difficulty, We will provide the best support possible to those children and young people we are responsible for in care, as they leave care and beyond as they begin independent lives, We will ensure people have access to the best possible information, advice, and guidance to support themselves and their families, We will shift the balance of support towards prevention, We will support the most vulnerable adults to maintain and promote their independence, We will enable communities to work together to help improve their lives and address the problems that are important to them, We will ensure that people feel safeguarded and supported in our care, at home and in their communities, We will clean streets and maintain roads effectively, We will lead the response to the climate emergency and deliver on our commitments, We will promote clean, affordable, high quality design of new and existing communities, We will plan to join up housing and appropriate infrastructure such as schools and transport networks that make it easier for people to get around, prioritising sustainable and low carbon travel choices, We will enable people and business to recover and thrive within cohesive communities that value diversity, We will demonstrate how well we deliver value for money in the services we provide and commission from others, We will increase our commercial operations to generate income to support council services and use our assets for maximum benefit to our communities, We will work as one council providing staff with the skills, tools, and support to perform at their best, promote equality of opportunity for all and live our values, We will develop our digital infrastructure to support residents and staff in day-to-day life. a) minimise end user energy requirements over and above those required by Building Regulations (at the time of full planning or reserved matters approval) through energy efficiency measures by at least 10%, or, achieve any higher standard that is required under national planning policy; and thenb) reduce carbon dioxide emissions by maximising the use of renewable energy generation sources on site and achieve an overall on-site reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from regulated energy use of at least 50%, unless the development includes flats where a 35% reduction is acceptable (for that part of the site only). A strong commitment to equality of opportunity, value for money and transitioning to a low carbon future will flow through everything we do and will form the basis of an overarching plan developed with our key local partners. Developers are encouraged to review South Gloucestershire Councils Planning Performance Agreement Charter (pdf) for further information. As a minimum, evidence should be submitted to demonstrate how development proposals:a) Are located away from areas vulnerable to increased flooding taking account of the latest available climate projections; andb) Incorporate measures to adapt to potential flood risk at building and site level, and minimise flood risk to the wider area; andc) Incorporate measures to mitigate high temperatures expected from future climate at building and site level; andd) Incorporate opportunities for supporting local food production; ande) Incorporate measures to optimise green infrastructure and enhance biodiversity; andf) Incorporate measures to reduce stress on water resources, and improve water efficiency; andg) Incorporate measures to improve public health and well-being. Current Parking Standards in South Gloucestershire can be found in the Policies, Sites and Places Plan PSP16 Parking Standards with elements in the Core Strategy policy CS8 and further detail in the Residential Parking Supplementary Planning Document. Magnox applies the Waste Hierarchy , Best Available Technique (BAT) and Best Environment Practice (BEP) to manage the waste from its nuclear liabilities. Passivhaus is an international energy standard for buildings. The Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) plan forms part of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, together with the Core Strategy and Joint Waste Core Strategy. All of these documents are used by the council when assessing planning applications. 3) MovementSafe, convenient, sustainable and direct movement between areas of the district is an integral part of well-designed places. 26. These provide a framework to inform early engagement between the Council and a promoter of NNB at Oldbury. Development delivers design quality, including making a positive contribution to sustainability objectives, climate change resilience, and delivers biodiversity net gain. The Local plan includes policies for deciding planning applications in Bristol. The council plays a pivotal role in supporting the lives of those in the care system, acting as corporate parent for young people who have had an extremely difficult start in life. It is not proposed that a blanket reduction be applied in these areas as individual sites may be more (or less) suitable to a reduction but instead sets out areas where it is suitable for a reduction in car parking space provision. Further detail regarding sustainable design and construction methods will be provided in a new policy, which will be brought forward through future stages of preparing the Local Plan 2020. We have started exploring how we might approach new strategies and policies for growth (set out in section 5: Building a Strategy) but we are very much at the beginning of this process. This policy will be applied in conjunction with other relevant policies in this plan, in particular policies on NSIPs, new nuclear development and decommissioning. The Local Plan will guide how and where this will happen. The tables separates policies into strategic policies and non-strategic policies. The National Planning Policy Framework makes clear that creating high quality buildings and places is fundamental to what the planning and development process should achieve. (The National Design Guide). Our Local Plan evidence base includes documents related to the new Local Plan, including recent and forthcoming new evidence and background information supporting the Phase 2 consultation. Through the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, we can guide and set requirements for new development to ensure that climate change mitigation and adaptation is addressed wherever possible. We will lead by example, decarbonising our own operations and making them climate and ecologically resilient. 66. Policies Sites and Places Plan policy PSP16: Parking Standards, Use Classes Order (September 2020) update. The South Kesteven Local Plan sets out the vision, objectives, spatial strategy and policies for the future development of the district. However, other technologies would be welcome too where appropriate. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? The council is currently working on a new Local Plan. Children and young people are our future, and we are determined to give them the very best start in life. It does not address the emissions that come from the construction phase of the development or the transport movements generated by a development. The Core Strategy, which contains the strategic policies for the area, was adopted in 2013. In respect of radioactive waste that may arise from a potential future NNB, National Policy Statement (NPS) EN-6 makes clear that each nuclear power station will have its own Intermediate Level Waste store on site until a national disposal facility becomes available. This policy addresses the emissions from the operational phase of a building/development, in terms of heat and power. Nuclear power stations are national infrastructure sites, hosted by local communities on behalf of the nation. The use of rear parking courts often results in an inefficient use of land, and can result in valuable private amenity space being lost. A range of other policies in the Local Plan 2020 will provide further detail and clarification to many of the points contained in this policy. We will continue to equip our staff with the tools and skills to do their jobs to the best of their abilities, harnessing the potential of new technology and holding on to improved ways of working to deliver even better value for money for residents and businesses. The SPD may be adopted in advance of formal pre-application consultation by the project promoter, to: help inform the scheme development; provide a basis for the Councils assessment of the project proposals and associated delivery plans; and provide the Planning Inspectorate and Secretary of State with guidance which may be material to decision making. A set of short videos explaining the preparation of, and how you can get involved in shaping our new Local Plan 2020 for South Gloucestershire. Application of these priorities is subject to compliance with the criteria set out below and other relevant policy in the development plan. In its role either as determining authority for planning applications, or as consultee for applications to other bodies, the Council will take into consideration the nature, scale, extent and potential impact of any development proposal, and seek to ensure that: Development proposals align where relevant with the West of England Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) and make a positive contribution to the delivery of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan, the Joint Local Transport Plan and other supporting and/or relevant plans and strategies, including neighbourhood plans; and, A strategic and integrated approach is taken to the location, planning, design, phasing and delivery of NSIPs and their associated infrastructure and/or development so that it maximises positive social, economic and environmental outcomes, minimises negative impacts, and secures appropriate community and legacy benefits, and. Our approach will be backed by appropriate data-gathering and evidence as we seek to develop a long-term financial strategy aligned with these Council Plan priorities. We will continue to invest in them to ensure they can benefit from the same opportunities as any other young person. Oldbury A station Decommissioning, 55. Doing so would help meet the Councils carbon reduction and renewable energy generation targets set out in emerging Local Plan 2020 policy Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. 3. Youve told us we need to have a greater focus on the Climate Emergency. 31. They should aim to make use of renewable energy infrastructures, such as photovoltaic arrays, ground source heat pumps and district heating systems, to reduce demand for non-sustainable energy sources. The outcome of this work will be presented at future stages or preparing the Local Plan 2020. This policy is also supported by the emerging Urban Lifestyles approach, which aims to make efficient use of land in urban areas, by optimising development. Appropriate monitoring arrangements and adequately resourced Management and Delivery Plans for both the Construction and Operational phases of NSIPs will be required to ensure that socio-economic, transport and environmental objectives are met during both construction and operation. It may be appropriate in certain situations to retain and renovate existing buildings, where this forms part of a more sustainable approach to development, or where existing structures have local historic significance. Given the timeframe for decommissioning, it will be important that the masterplan is an evolving document, and that phasing and review mechanisms for all relevant socio-economic and environmental considerations are built in. Mitigation primarily means minimising greenhouse gas emissions from the development. Design measures can help to reduce the need for heating and cooling, as well as power. Consequently, Option 2, policy which requires residential development to reduce carbon emissions from regulated and unregulated energy use by 100%, is also presented. 22. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? Our priority is that this best start in life is available for all children although we recognise that we need to offer bespoke support for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The Council would expect NNB related applications to comprise an integrated, navigable suite of documentation including well defined proposals and parameters defining the proposed development, and including clearly identified mitigation, monitoring and management plans demonstrating how all relevant matters identified in the table of Themes, Issues and Constraints have been taken into account and addressed. For more information see our local plan review. Similarly for biodiversity, where alternative habitats may be required to accomodate displaced species, and for archaeology where advance agreement and implementation of Written Schemes of Investigation, early agreement and implementation of strategies may be required. 1) Context and identityDevelopment proposal(s) must demonstrate an understanding of, and respond constructively to the building and landscape characteristics that make a particularly positive contribution to the distinctiveness and identity of the area. This policy is a key principle behind the emerging development strategy of the local plan, and it is also reinforced and supported throughout the plan by more detailed policies which cover specific issues such as design, energy management, green infrastructure, sustainable transport and renewable energy. Other policies which may also be relevant, including proposed policies on radioactive waste, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and associated or related development and proposed policy on Oldbury Nuclear New Build. The site includes Lagoon 3, which formerly provided open water habitat for birds associated with the estuary designations. 21. They are currently defined in policy PSP11 Transport Impact Management, the proposed new policy will eventually replace PSP11. For residential development with communal off street parking provision, at least 20 per cent of spaces are required to have active charging facilities, and passive provision is required for all remaining spaces; High density and/or large scale residential / mixed use developments are additionally required to facilitate the provision of an electric or ultra-low emission car club, and provide dedicated space for the club with active charging facilities; All non-residential developments (e.g. To facilitate effective and timely pre-application engagement with the developer, the Council, in conjunction with relevant parties, will produce the following documents: This will consider the experience of other NNB projects in the particular context of Oldbury. The development plan sets out the policies and proposals for the development and use of land in South Gloucestershire. the development is carbon negative) are encouraged and appropriate weight will be given to this. Men from the least deprived areas live five years longer and women live over six years longer than those living in the most deprived areas. You can search using a range of address details by. However, it can occur by a legal agreement that guarantees to pay a percentage of the income generated by selling heat or electricity to the grid, into a Community Trust Fund, or other suitable mechanism, controlled by the local community for spending on other local infrastructure and energy efficiency initiatives. We want to build on those positive relationships, encouraging community-focused engagement with the voluntary sector, businesses and other key stakeholders. This is available for 290 plus VAT (as of April 2022) and is subject to us considering it is appropriate. As part of these, we will want to understand how individual proposals will relate to the wider decommissioning plans and uses, any proposals for new build, and explore potential opportunities for beneficial interim reuse and/ or the restoration of land, prior to the site reaching its long term and final end state. However, evidence [insert link] shows that costs are predicted to fall and other changes are expected to occur (for example, changes to the carbon factors used in the software (SAP) used for assessing compliance with Building Regulations) which will mean that it will become less costly to meet policy requirements. Where appropriate serviced land is left in a condition suitable for a future agreed use; oriii. They outline the number and types of homes, jobs, services and facilities, as well as infrastructure that will be expected to be developed in South Gloucestershire. The Councils evidence shows that on certain sites and types of development much higher standards can be achieved on-site, and this will be encouraged. Pete Barnard, Headteacher, Frampton Cotterell Church of England Primary School. 3) MovementDevelopment proposals must create or enable sustainable connections to destinations, places and communities, both within the site and beyond its boundaries. The site is adjacent to the existing Magnox power station that is now being decommissioned (referred to in this plan as Oldbury A). Motorcycle and other powered two wheelers can offer an affordable means of movement for trips where public transport is limited and walking and cycling unrealistic. The scale and impact of NSIPs may require an appropriate and comprehensive package ofdeveloper contributions to mitigate and compensate for any new and increased levels ofimpact and harm. When applied this will indicate whether a reduction in car parking provision is appropriate. HeritageDistinctive place-based heritage stories and assets (market towns, aviation, non-conformist religion, Second World War, listed buildings and conservation areas). But we have also drawn on the opportunities that have emerged from the emergency response to the pandemic in looking forward to the new norm; identifying new and better ways to keep residents informed, and working with individuals and groups who have stepped up during this time to help communities play an active role in finding local answers to local issues. Many of our school-leavers and graduates choose to stay here and the area is also convenient for commuting to surrounding cities and further afield. 87% of our primary schools are rated Good or Outstanding. This will need to include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in.

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